I think I should start blogging again. Like I said before. No point making a blog in the first place if I don't have the intention to continue blogging. Maybe now that there will be lesser or no readers who reads my blog, I think just writing with the knowledge that no one is reading will really help me express myself more in my blog. Im sure what I say is true.
Currently in the examination season and examinations is a phrase of my life where things will stur up in my mind. What a complicated thing the mind is. For me myself, I think that I am a very thinking person. Every single time I am alone and have nothing to do, my mind will just start thinking of things. Things concerning myself. Ministry, family, friends and school. The worst thing that can happen is that something will just crop up in my mind. And when that happen, it will be placed in my mind and the next time I have nothing to do, I will start to thing about it. If my thoughts ends up well, it will have positive results. I will be encouraged. But when it ends up badly, I think I will be emo. The mind is a very tricky thing.
Sometimes the reason why I thought of doing so many thing and actually fill myself with work is so that I will be occupied and not think of things. Call me a workaholic but I think I am not. Its just that I just want to stop thinking of such things. Should I do just that? Alot of people did say before that I am a person who thinks alot. I totally agree with them. There are more things that goes through my mind than I can actually do it physically. Some things I thought of is creative stuff and it will come to pass in due time. But the underlying thing is that I think that my mind is my strength and also my weakness. Something which can build me and bring me up a whole new level. It is also something which can pull me down and break me.
The mind is a complicated thing. My life, is complicated. I call this my lifes complication..