Good Friday Service was interesting today. 7 things I hate about Christianity. Listening to the header for that day made me interested all of a sudden. Hypocritical and Judgmental. This is the 2 things pastors shared about on Saturday.
One thing which came to me when I heard about the 7 thing, I thought to myself. Am I like those 7 things that Pastor's talked about? I know we ain't perfect peeps and I am sure I have been a Hypocrite before. I have been a Judgmental person before. I have been a lot of things. How will I know if I am not a Hypocrite or a Judgmental person anymore? How do you really tell if there is a change in you? How will you know if people whom are not Christians thinks that you are this yet other Christians things you are otherwise? Putting on a facade?
I think a small part of you is designed to sense all this things. Things like knowing people's feelings and know what others are feeling about you. I don't really know about other people but for me, I do have the feeling. When someone share something with me, no matter what it is, there will be times when I will feel the person. Feel in a sense that I will know how the person is feeling about me. Hmmm..
Min Yang went into HTA at 8.00pm on Saturday. Pray for his wellbeing yeah? It will be his final stretch for the Basic Military Training..